In July 2010, little Meeko, a Siamese kitten, came to us to be seen for a discharge from his left eye. Otherwise, Meeko was very healthy and happy. The cause was diagnosed as an eye infection and a regimen of Erythromycin Ophthalmic Ointment was prescribed. The discharge was gone in a couple of days. However, over the next year, poor little Meeko had recurring flare-ups in both eyes. He would periodically use the Erythromycin, but as soon as the medication was stopped, he would experience another flare up. He was placed on L-Lysine twice daily for flare-ups and once daily as a preventive measure. L-Lysine is an amino acid that is thought to interfere with viral replication, which lessens viral load.
His eyes continued to appear dry and red with greenish-yellow discharge. He also would wink frequently, indicating his eyes were bothering him.
Over the next year, a chronic condition had developed. The next step was to treat his problem as a viral condition and prescribe chronic use of Famciclovir. Famciclovir is an antiviral drug that is thought to help with herpes viral infections. The data is anecdotal with this drug and results are variable. Also, using this medication chronically runs the risk of developing a resistant infection or, using a drug that just doesn’t work. A topical application of Prednisone (a steroidal medication) was also prescribed. Meeko experienced improvement while on the medications, but as soon as it was stopped, his symptoms returned.Traditional medicine did not appear to be helping poor Meeko for the long-term. His owner was frustrated and Meeko was not happy. It was time to try a different approach. Dr. Herrity reviewed Meeko’s case and prescribed Homotoxicology as the next step. Dr. Herrity specializes in alternative therapies that he integrates with traditional medicine, giving him more options to treat chronic conditions.
Homotoxicology combines modern conventional medicine with a holistic approach. Patients are evaluated for presenting medical symptoms, diagnoses, history, lifestyle factors, and other issues related to their well-being. After a comprehensive analysis, homeopathic remedies are recommended to treat acute symptoms, build internal functional strength, and ultimately cleanse the underlying toxicity causing the patient’s ailment
The goal of treatment in homotoxicology is to detoxify the body and restore the body’s natural biorhythms. For those with health challenges, homotoxicology maintains that health cannot be achieved without ridding the body of toxins. Homotoxicology involves using homeopathic remedies to facilitate the removal of toxins and stimulate the body’s capacity to heal itself.
The therapy consists of a series of injections and oral solutions that Dr. Herrity prepares using the patient’s own blood and homotoxicology remedies. Meeko started his first homotoxicology treatment on April 4, 2012. He has had a series of two treatments with the plan for one more. Meeko’s symptoms improved after the first treatment and he is now happy to have us report that his eyes continued to improve after the second treatment and he is now symptom and medication free!!! What a relief to Meeko and his owner!
We will continue to monitor Meeko’s progress and report back.
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