Burke Animal Clinic, front view

Burke Animal Clinic, front view

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Baby Steps

 A Burke Animal Clinic Philosophy for Enjoying Your Pet

Changes in a pet's lifestyle should be accomplished via baby steps.

Years ago I watched the movie "What About Bob". It was a funny movie where a character, Bob, is coached by his doctor to take baby steps to get over his problems. I think this idea is wonderful when working with your pets.

Puppy training should be a fun activity for your pet. Sessions should focus on one skill at a time, be short duration with lots of positive reinforcement, baby steps. Your pup should want to "play the game".

If your pet is overweight and the vet recommends more exercise, be reasonable. If he's a couch potato, don't expect him to complete a mile the first day out.  Maybe you could walk to the mailbox together the first week, then to the street corner the next, baby steps. If your pet is exhausted and out of breath, he isn't having fun and may actually injure himself if he isn't properly conditioned. Any increase in activity is a step in the right direction.

If your dog is frightened by trips in a car, gradually expose the pet to the car. Have him sit by the car while you wash the windows, next time put a favorite treat on the floor of the car to get, the next time after that open both sides of the car so he can go in one door and out the opposite, baby steps. The same idea works for cats and a fear of their carrier.

Baby steps can be applied to so many situations with pets. Got a solution that worked well for your pet; share it with us! Know someone that could use this idea, feel free to send them a link or share : )

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