Burke Animal Clinic, front view

Burke Animal Clinic, front view

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Our pets rely on us to keep them healthy and take care of them when they become sick.  They can't tell us when they're not feeling well, so it's up to us to notice when things aren't right and get them to the vet. 

Any time you are concerned that your pet is not acting normally, please give your vet a call. Veterinarian staff can help you determine if your pet needs to be seen and whether or not they need to come in right away. Never feel embarrassed that you are overreacting. Sometimes even a small thing may be an indication of a larger problem. And, if it is just a small thing, won't you be relieved when you find out that's all it is!

Here are five symptoms you should never ignore:
  1. Change in water consumption, either an increase or decrease
  2. Change in appetite, either an increase or decrease
  3. Lethargy or a change in activity level
  4. Change in frequency of urination
  5. Diarrhea and/or vomiting
The holidays can be a stressful time for a pet.  Consider how stressful it is for us humans!  Keep an eye on your pet and watch for things that he/she may get into - the garbage to get at those turkey bones, presents under the tree that may be edible or tempting to a dog or cat, ornaments that may spark curiousity in your pet, wires, strings and tinsel and poisonous plants and greenery.  Check out the ASPCA site for tips on keeping your pet safe:  http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/pet-care-tips/holiday-safety-tips.aspx

Keep the ASPCA National Animal Poison Center Hotline number available - 888-426-4435.  The call will cost $65 but it's worth it.  They will assign you a case number so you only pay once for that case and you'll talk to a vet. 

Most of all, have fun with your pet!  And, have a safe and happy holiday!

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